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Commands are the only actions that should modify the state of a store. The store base class offers the functions set, update, and mutate to perform state modifications. They are based on the native signal modification functions.

All modification functions take an optional commandName parameter, which is used for logging, historization and other plugins.


Although, the consumer can use set, update and mutate directly and even pass a decorative command name as argument, it is recommendet to expose store class methods that encapsulate the modification logic, as this follows a well structured and discoverable repository approach and consolidates modification in a more controlled fashion.


The set method is used to set the store's state to the provided newState.

set(newState: TState, commandName?: string): void

@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class CounterStore extends Store<{ count: number }> {
constructor() {
super({ initialState: { count: 0 } });

increment() {
this.set({ count: this.state().count + 1 }, 'Increment');


The update method is used to update the store's state based on the current state. It takes an updateFn function that receives the current state as a parameter and returns the updated state.

update(updateFn: (currentState: TState) => TState, commandName?: string): void

increment() {
this.update(state => ({ count: state.count + 1 }), 'Increment');

For non-primitive stores (number, boolean, string), make sure to create and return a new object. Otherwise the consumers will not be notified about the change.


The mutate method is used to directly mutate the store's state using the provided mutator function. The mutator function receives the current state as a parameter and performs in-place mutations on it.

mutate(mutator: (currentState: TState) => void, commandName?: string): void

increment() {
this.mutate(state => {
}, 'Increment');
  • Store creates a shallow copy before applying the mutation
  • ImmutableStore creates a deep copy before applying the mutation