📄️ Persistence
signalstory provides a mechanism for persisting the state of your store, allowing you to save and load the state across different sessions or browser refreshes, or even creating fully offline applications using indexedDB. By enabling the StorePersistencePlugin, you can ensure that your store's state remains persistent and readily available.
📄️ Store Status
Enable your store to track the loading, initialization and modification status. By utilizing the StoreStatusPlugin, you can monitor whether your store is currently loading (running an effect) and if it has been initialized or modified.
📄️ Deep Freeze
TypeScript's type system cannot prevent violations of readonly -and hence Immutable constraints in certain scenarios, such as:
📄️ Performance Counter
Measure the performance of your commands and effect objects and analyze the result in real time in your redux devtools. By enabling the PerformanceCounterPlugin you can monitor the bottleneck of your state management solution and optimize at the right place.
📄️ DevTools
Enhance your store's monitoring and debugging capabilities by leveraging the DevTools plugin in signalstory which integrates your store with the Redux DevTools browser extensions, enabling you to closely observe and analyze state changes.
📄️ Logger
Use the Logger plugin for the logging of crucial events related to the state management of your store. By enabling the LoggerPlugin, you can gain insights into store initialization, command execution, and effect execution.
📄️ Custom
Custom plugins allow you to integrate additional behaviors to stores. You can design plugins that perform targeted tasks, integrating external services, validating inputs, or enhancing data management in any other way. This flexibility ensures that your store aligns perfectly with your application's unique use cases.